There is no excuse, for not recording the funny,the sad, the cute, and the happy memories that my family has made. So I'm making a resolution before the New Year. And I'm going to TRY to blog at least once a week. But before I start, I think I better finish what I'm starting. So bear with me, this post will be filled with lots of picutes and stories of the things that has happened to us in the last 6 months. And hopefully those who are reading this will not be bored.
We moved back to Yakima, from taking a long but short "Vacation" in Southern California. Where we moved in with my mom, and CRAMMED ten people into a two bedroom house. This is where Spencer learned "GANG" signs. He was thinking of starting a business (since he was no longer employed) of teaching some other 30 year old white men to learn gang signs. There wasn't a lot of interest, so that idea was bagged quickly.
Since, Spencer was no longer working, that meant he and I had a lot of free time together and as a family to do things. We went camping with some of good friends from Yakima 2ND Ward. Where we did lots of relaxing, eating, hiking, playing games, and enjoying each others company.Thanks Dave and Kathy! You guys totally rock!
We also had plenty of time to visit family. We went to Grandmas house in Smithfield, Utah
Took a trip to Bear Lake!
A trip to Temple Square was next.
Then off to the annual Daw Family Reunion in Island Park. Where we had a total blast with family we hadn't seen in a year. We loved being able to spend time, and relax with everyone! Lots of good food, fun games, water skiing, tubing, hikes, trips to West Yellowstone, stories of reunion pasts, haircuts and waxing ( for those who needed it) from Aunt Mai,fun crafts, canoeing and lots of time with the fam!
My baby girl turned the "BIG" 11! She is growing up too fast. And we are so proud of the young lady she is becoming! She had the chance to celebrate with everyone at the reunion.
This summer was by far the "BEST" summer "EVER"! Even though Spencer didn't have a job, and we were getting by, by the skin of out teeth, and there was NO INCOME, we never lost sight of what was most important. We definetly saw the Lords hand this year, and are so grateful for the blessings we have received!
We came back home from all of our adventures. And quickly there after school started. Brianna is now officially a Middle Schooler. She reminded us everyday for a month, how cool it was to be in Middle School. Kaden started 4th Grade, and was glad to be back with his partners in crime. Sophie and Emily also started school. Pre-school! And I thoroughly enjoyed my "Free Time"!
By this time Spenc had found a job. Hallelujah! Thank the Lord! We had moved into a tiny apartment. But we weren't complaining (at least not much), we had or own SMALL space to call our own. Things were definetly looking up. The kids were so happy to be back in Yakima. Little did they know, we were thinking of moving them again. This time to Pasco. When we told them, they cried like babies. But we tried to explain to them, Life SUCKS, get over it. But, it still didn't help with the crying. We will always remember our fun times in that SMALL apartment.
Right before our move, Brianna had a band concert. She plays the trumphet. And in a small apartment with neighbors, not good. But we all survived ( as long as we had cotton in our ears). And I think the neighbors survived too.
The next BIG event I missed was Halloween. This year I thought it would be fun to make costumes for the little girlies. NOT!!! I figured out I'm not a seamstress, not even one in the making. And I will never have mad sewing skills. I know...sad, but true! Fortunetly I had an awesome friend who was willing to help me through this very painful and stressful time in my life. The costumes turned out great! Thanks Julia!
Soph,had a few fun fieldtrips this year in preschool. She went to the Pumpkin Patch, and the Fire Station. She absolutely LOVES preschool! And it's fun to watch her grow up into a very fun 4 year old.
Brianna got a new nickname. She is now BRACE FACE. For the longest time, Brianna has always wanted braces. Her wish finally came true. She was so excited, she could hardly contain herself. She told anyone who would listen to her about her braces. The day finally came, and she was on cloud nine, but then...morning came, and no longer was she a happy girl. I woke up from deep slumber, with her moaning, and crying from the pain. Poor Girl! But even in all that pain, she said it was still worth it.
I turned 34 this year. And it wasn't a big deal. So what if I'm a little bit older, hopefully a tinsy bit wiser, a lot more chunkier, and whole lot happier. Life was good to me this last year.
Life at the Daw home was not boring to say the least. This year had more ups and downs than a 6 flags, 4 star black diamond close your eyes and hold your boobs roller coaster. But.. we got through it. We learned alot about each other and are much closer as a family. We learned what amazing friends and family we have, we are so grateful. And more than anything, we learned that we can make it through just about anything. So life from here on out will be a breeze. Onery boss at work... no problem. Daughter becoming a mouthy teenager.. bring it on! Two little girls that drive us to the edge of sanity... walk in the park baby. Oh yeah, the world is our oyster (what a weird saying, oysters are slimey and kinda gross, why would I want one... but I digress). Until next time, this is the Pasco based Daw family, good night.. and.. good luck.