There is not a day, when Sophia makes us all laugh. She definetly is the comedian in our family. On one particular day, we were all sitting around the table eating dinner, and Emily was pointing to each of us and saying our names. This is how our conversation went:
Mom-what's his name?
Em- Kanen (Kaden)
Mom- what's her name?
Em- Brenna (Brianna)
Mom- what's my name?
Em- Mommy
Mom-what's his name?
Em- Daddy
Mom- what's your name?
Em- Emmany
Mom- what's her name?
Em- Soapy (Sophie)
Sophie- No my name is TROUBLE!
We had to peel Spencer off the floor after that one. If any time we need a good laugh, we just ask Sophie to come and talk to us. And if you talk to her long enough, sooner or later she has got you rolling on the floor.