"You FREAKIN scared me Daddy!" was what Sophie said to Spencer when he walked by her with this spider. It "FREAKIN" scared me too. Let me start from the beginning. My mother-in-law was coming to visit, so of course, everything had to be cleaned. That's just the way I am. I guess it really doesn't matter who comes, EVERYTHING needs to be cleaned. I'm anal, I know. But, she was coming and everything was cleaned including the garage. I was moving boxes, and bent down to grab a box, when i noticed something in the corner of my eye. When we first moved in we thought we had mice in the garage, so Spencer put out mouse traps. The sticky kind. So as I was picking up a box, I saw this spider stuck in the trap. I thought, "Wow that's an ugly looking spider. So glad it's there and not under this box." I turned my head and started to lift the box from the ground, when a spider twice as big as the one in the trap scurried away. Ok, maybe it was the same size but it looked huge. Anyway, it FREAKIN scared me so I screamed and ran the other way. Meanwhile, Sophie is sitting 10 feet away playing on a box, when I hear a blood curdling scream from her. She apparently saw the spider too(by the way Sophie is deathly scared of spiders) and started to scream and cry at the same time. I yell to Brianna to get Spencer, he runs out thinking something horrible had happened. I tell him a spider as big as my fist is over by the boxes, and if he could please kill it. He finds it,and kills it, and all is well. He then grabs the spider stuck in the trap, looks at it and walks towards Sophie. Not to scare her, just to look at it in better light. He comes back (empty handed) and that's when Sophie says "You FREAKIN scared me daddy." We both just laugh. Needless to say, I was scared to pick up any more boxes. And Sophie decided it was safer to play in the house.