Well, it's about time I get off of my laurels and start contributing to our family blog. I've been a spectacular dissapointment up till now.
It was just me and the kids for the most part today. We fulfilled our weekly ritual of eating waffles this morning. After that, Susi went to a bachelorette party with Trica. I'm not sure why, but she left with like 50 one dollar bills. Whatever could they have been for.... hhmmm...
Anyway, after she left I got the kids ready to go over to Jr's house to hang out. Before we left, I had to fix Brianna's bike tire, the air stem was in crooked. So, in order to re
medy this non-conformance, I inflated and deflated the tire and tried to move it. During one of the reinflations, I noticed that the side wall of the tire had popped out. It barely had time to register in my head when a heard a deafening gun shot sound. After my "Stop-Drop-and-Roll" routine, I came to the realization that I had over-inflated Brianna's tire. This had the net effect of causing, well, a mini-explosion. One that sounded remarkably like a gun shot. So, feeling lucky that I escaped that near death experience, I continued on w/ the kids to Jr's house. We took the kids to the park and had a heck of alot of fun playing ball and watching the kids.

After we got done at the park, we went back to Jr's house. He made some keeler carne asada and I dug for change in all the cars so could go buy us some soda's. After lunch, it was mandatory nap time for all the kids. No questions asked. And what do dad's do when their kids are sleeping? There is only one right answer to that if you are a true dad ( I don't want want to hear any of you sissy's say "Do honey Do's"). You exercise your fatherly right and take a Saturday afternoon nap. I managed to sleep pretty well despite Jr sawing logs.